Process-oriented expert advice
- Is your organization a child and youth welfare institution and would you like to carry out international youth work projects?
- Do you need advice on suitable funding opportunities, the overall design of the project, project partners abroad or similar?
Then the Uferlos team can offer you expert, process-oriented advice on your project. The consulting services can cover everything from the idea, application and planning, public relations work, communication with the project partner through to billing and evaluation.
During an initial consultation at either your office or ours, we will address your concerns and agree on a consulting assignment.
We would also be happy to work with you to design a project workshop with your clients to ensure that project planning is participatory and geared towards the lives of young people, or to plan a suitable training program for you.
Our advice is free of charge, client- and resource-oriented, and confidential.
We look forward to receiving your inquiries!